290 research outputs found

    Mechanism of C−F Reductive Elimination from Palladium(IV) Fluorides

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    The first systematic mechanism study of C−F reductive elimination from a transition metal complex is described. C−F bond formation from three different Pd(IV) fluoride complexes was mechanistically evaluated. The experimental data suggest that reductive elimination occurs from cationic Pd(IV) fluoride complexes via a dissociative mechanism. The ancillary pyridyl-sulfonamide ligand plays a crucial role for C−F reductive elimination, likely due to a Îș^3 coordination mode, in which an oxygen atom of the sulfonyl group coordinates to Pd. The pyridyl-sulfonamide can support Pd(IV) and has the appropriate geometry and electronic structure to induce reductive elimination

    Reducing Transport Latency for Short Flows with Multipath TCP

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    Multipath TCP (MPTCP) has been an emerging transport protocol that provides network resilience to failures and improves throughput by splitting a data stream into multiple subflows across all the available multiple paths. While MPTCP is generally beneficial for throughput-sensitive large flows with large number of subflows, it may be harmful for latency-sensitive small flows. MPTCP assigns each subflow a congestion window, making short flows susceptible to timeout when a flow only contains a few packets. This condition becomes even worse when the paths have heterogeneous characteristics as packet reordering occurs and the slow paths can be used with MPTCP, causing the increased end-to-end delay and the lower application Goodput. Thus, it is important to choose the appropriate subflows for each MPTCP connection to achieve the good performance. However, the subflows in MPTCP are determined before a connection is established, and they usually remain unchanged during the lifetime of that connection. To address this issue, we propose DMPTCP, which dynamically adjusts the subflows according to application workloads. Specifically, DMPTCP first utilizes the idea of TCP modeling to estimate the latency on the path under scheduling and the data amount sent on the other paths simultaneously, and then decides the set of subflows to be used for certain application periodically with the goal of reducing completion time for short flows and achieving a higher throughput for long flows. We implement DMPTCP in a Linux server and conduct extensive experiments both in NS3 and in Linux testbed to validate its effectiveness. Our evaluation shows that DMPTCP decreases the completion time by over 46.55% compared to conventional MPTCP for short flows while increases the Goodput up to 21.3% for long-lived flows

    Reducing Transport Latency for Short Flows with Multipath TCP

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    Multipath TCP (MPTCP) has been an emerging transport protocol that provides network resilience to failures and improves throughput by splitting a data stream into multiple subflows across all the available multiple paths. While MPTCP is generally beneficial for throughput-sensitive large flows with large number of subflows, it may be harmful for latency-sensitive small flows. MPTCP assigns each subflow a congestion window, making short flows susceptible to timeout when a flow only contains a few packets. This condition becomes even worse when the paths have heterogeneous characteristics as packet reordering occurs and the slow paths can be used with MPTCP, causing the increased end-to-end delay and the lower application Goodput. Thus, it is important to choose the appropriate subflows for each MPTCP connection to achieve the good performance. However, the subflows in MPTCP are determined before a connection is established, and they usually remain unchanged during the lifetime of that connection. To address this issue, we propose DMPTCP, which dynamically adjusts the subflows according to application workloads. Specifically, DMPTCP first utilizes the idea of TCP modeling to estimate the latency on the path under scheduling and the data amount sent on the other paths simultaneously, and then decides the set of subflows to be used for certain application periodically with the goal of reducing completion time for short flows and achieving a higher throughput for long flows. We implement DMPTCP in a Linux server and conduct extensive experiments both in NS3 and in Linux testbed to validate its effectiveness. Our evaluation shows that DMPTCP decreases the completion time by over 46.55% compared to conventional MPTCP for short flows while increases the Goodput up to 21.3% for long-lived flows

    Genotype-Corrector: improved genotype calls for genetic mapping in F2 and RIL populations

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    F2 and recombinant inbred lines (RILs) populations are very commonly used in plant genetic mapping studies. Although genome-wide genetic markers like single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can be readily identified by a wide array of methods, accurate genotype calling remains challenging, especially for heterozygous loci and missing data due to low sequencing coverage per individual. Therefore, we developed Genotype-Corrector, a program that corrects genotype calls and imputes missing data to improve the accuracy of genetic mapping. Genotype-Corrector can be applied in a wide variety of genetic mapping studies that are based on low coverage whole genome sequencing (WGS) or Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) related techniques. Our results show that Genotype-Corrector achieves high accuracy when applied to both synthetic and real genotype data. Compared with using raw or only imputed genotype calls, the linkage groups built by corrected genotype data show much less noise and significant distortions can be corrected. Additionally, Genotype-Corrector compares favorably to the popular imputation software LinkImpute and Beagle in both F2 and RIL populations

    New cross-domain QoE guarantee method based on isomorphism flow

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    This paper investigates the issue of Quality of Experience(QoE)for multimedia services over heterogeneous networks. Anew concept of “Isomor-phism Flow”(iFlow) was introduced for analyzing multimedia traffics, which is inspired by the abstract algebrabased on experimental research. By using iF-low, the multimedia traffics with similar QoErequirements for differentusersare aggregated. AQoE evaluation method was also proposed for the aggregated traffics. Then a new cross-domain QoE guarantee method based on the iFlow QoEis proposed in this paper to adjust the network resource fromthe perspec-tive of user perception.The proposed scheme is validated through simulations. Simulationresults show that the proposed scheme achieves an enhancement in QoE performanceandoutperforms the existing schemes
